News and Events

CENT Fall Symposium was held in New Haven, CT, October 11-12, 2019

The Symposium Meeting of the Center for Enhanced Nanofluidic Transport (CENT) was held at the campus of the Yale University, New Haven. The event was hosted by a Thrust Leader, Prof. Mark Reed. The event brought together Principal Investigators (PIs), postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students for two-day symposium. The agenda included talks from both students and PIs as well as Career Development Session. A poster session was held to highlight the progress of BUS project teams. CENT Student Research Council awarded prizes for the best posters of the event. Go with the flow!

PI Meeting was held in Washington, DC, July 29 – 30, 2019

CENT was represented by a delegation of 14 people that presented two talks and six posters.
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CENT Symposium was held in MIT, March 8 – 9, 2019

The Symposium Meeting of the Center for Enhanced Nanofluidic Transport (CENT) was held at the campus of the MIT, Cambridge. The event was successful in bringing together the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), Principal Investigators (PIs), postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students participating in CENT, for two-day symposium. SAB helped to provide feedback to the Center by participating in SAB Panel, SAB Closed Door Session and Career Advice Lunch for Students. Symposium included progress presentations from all PIs, progress highlights from Thrust Leaders, and in-depth discussions grouped by interests. Students benefited from networking during a self-organized dinner, a career session, poster presentations, and tight interactions with PIs. The participants left with new collaborations and new insights that will accelerate their progress towards Knowledge Gaps as introduced by CENT. 

CENT Kick-Off Meeting was the University of Maryland, College Park, November 16, 2018

The Kick-Off Meeting of the Center for Enhanced Nanofluidic Transport (CENT) was held at the campus of the University of Maryland, College Park. The event was successful in bringing together the Principal Investigators (PIs), postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students participating in CENT, for a day of overview presentations by the Director (Professor Michael Strano), the Deputy Director (Professor YuHuang Wang), and the Thrust Leaders (Professors Alex Noy, Zuzanna Siwy, and Mark Reed), discussions among the scientists, brainstorming breakout sessions, and a poster session meant to foster dialogue and collaboration. The participants left enriched with new ideas towards their goal of resolving the Knowledge Gaps in nanofluidic transport and thermodynamics, as introduced by CENT.

More photos from the kick-off meeting…