Research Facilities available for CENT

CENT has direct access to existing research space, instrumentation, computational capabilities, and other facilities both within the EFRC partner institutions (MIT, UMD, Yale, UCI, Univ. Florida, UIUC, Stanford, and LLNL) and external to the EFRC (NIST).

The unique capabilities include:

Cryo-EM facility at Stanford/SLAC

Pump-probe experiments with ultrafast pump pulses from deep ultraviolet (DUV) to THz frequencies, followed by ultrafast electron probe pulses (100 fs) in the 2–5 MeV energy range
To study liquid structure around ions

Environmental Aberration-Corrected TEM at NIST

Thermo/FEI Titan 80-300kV Schottky field emission TEM, optical access via a custom parabolic mirror to a Horiba iHR550 grating spectrometer
To study nm channels under higher pressures (as high as 50 bar)

High Performance Computing Facility at LLNL

~40 million CPU hrs per year will be made available to this project on clusters comprising >24,000 nodes and >400,000 CPU Simulation of transport, surface and interface chemistry with significant complexity and accuracy